Sunday, 3 May 2009

Purple Sheep Project - The Big Picture

Focus on Everything

Often we focus on a small part of business to ensure we do "our job" really well. If we are too focussed on key objectves do we risk loosing sight of the main target?

It is worth taking a step back and looking at the big picture every once in a while. Have a look at how what you do enriches the customer experience your organisation is striving for.

Are you contributing to the greater good or are you so focussed on your mission that you are failing to help people around you on their mission?Maybe you are doing such a fantastic job that you are destroying your company?

Sharpen up - Unfocus!

Step back and get perspective.

To create a masterpiece great artist don't work in iscolation seprated from the world around them. To gain perspective and fresh inspiration they often leave a painting alone for a while. The artist must step back from what they have achieved in order to gain new insights. In doing so they see mistakes and opportunities for improvement.To build something right you have to seperate yourself from it.Business is no different. To create an experience worth paying for businesses must gain fresh ideas and insights. They must collaborate both internally and externally. All the members of your team need to understand the goal and how their contribution improves the big picture.It shouldn't be left for the CEO to remind people why they are valued. Everyone must take responsibilty to understand the common goal, and to find creative ways to build a rich and vibrant, sustainable business.

You Can Not Do It Alone!

Man cannot live by bread alone. He needs sheep!

If you sit in a room and try to do something remarkable you fill find it tough going. People are like sheep. They like to be with other sheep. Sometimes they like to lead and sometimes they like to follow.One sheep alone is a tasty treat for a hungry wolf. But join a flock and chances are someone else will get eaten.. someone who wasn't contributing all that much anyway.You can still be a sheep and stand out from the flock, you just have to be a Purple Sheep.Interact with those around you for maximun productivity.To know what's happening in your business you need to spend less time writing emails and more time talking. Get to the water cooler and find out how business really is. Don't start having meetings for meeting sake, but make a serious effort to interact on as many projects as you can. Make an effort to see the big picture.Make a serious effort to help those around you see the big picture and to feel good about what they do. They will work harder,- and smarter, and when you need it they will be there to help you.When the whole team is motivated and alligned and really understands why your workplace becomes fun and productive.You are on the way to buikding an innovation workplace.

Steven Parsons